Planning Continues for 2021 Classes
Posted on 19Sep CATEGORIES: AJ & Barbara Hensley [Brazil], General, Letters Tags:Tags: AJ Hensley, Barbara Hensley, seminary classes in Brazil, seminary in Brazil0

September 17, 2020
Dear friends and family,
This has been a month that went into our history books. So for a moment let’s ALL remember the lives that were lost on 9/11, and pray for their families and others affected on that tragic date. This is especially close to me as I served with the Lexington Fire Department for 23 years before I surrendered to the call to be a missionary to Brasil. God is AWESOME, we do not always understand all but one thing never changes, God is God. It is He who is in control!!
It has been another month for planning and preparation, but before I get into that I need to tell you about an interruption that has happened to me this month. While doing some clean up on the property here in Lexington I had an accident. I was removing some tree limbs from a trailer and lost my balance and began to fall. So I jumped and landed wrong and broke my ankle. Now I am wearing one of those boots and looking to be wearing it for 6 weeks. But the good part of this is that I did not have to have surgery.
As the planning continues, both here and in Brasil, we are zooming with our pastors there, working with leaders and professors here, and we are confirming dates for our 2021 classes. This planning involves choosing the locations, the professors, the translators, and the tech support people. We have completed our first virtual class. There were some minor glitches but we are getting them corrected. So, we have the first of many under our belt and looking forward to many more.
We request your prayers for this ministry and all our involved partners and volunteers, students, and most of all—YOU— our financial supporters and prayer partners.
It is with much appreciation and gratitude that I express our love and prayers to all of you who sponsor, support, and loyally give to BFM. During this pandemic we appreciate even more your financial support as we know you have families and it gets harder to continue your outside giving. So, one more time THANK YOU for your financial support and prayerful intercession for our ministry.
In His service,
Aj and Barbara
AJ & Barbara Hensley
592 Emery Court
Lexington, KY 40505
AJ: 859-539-2302Barbara: 859-539-1424