Our Doctrinal Beliefs & Practices
particularly with respect to evangelism and missionary endeavors.

“…teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you…” Matthew 28:20

All of our directors and missionaries associated with Baptist Faith Missions agree on core beliefs and convictions that are essential for preaching the Gospel and establishing Scriptural New Testament churches.

Baptist Faith Mission’s doctrinal beliefs are historically Baptistic, evangelically orthodox, and conservative. We endorse the Philadelphia and New Hampshire Confessions of Faith in the main as a good statement of Biblical principles and practices.

With respect to evangelism and missionary endeavor, we believe:

  • The Bible (the complete 66 books from Genesis to Revelation) is God’s verbally inspired Word and is perfect, complete, and inerrant as originally written. It must serve as our final authority for everything we believe and do.
  • Every person is born in sin and continues to sin by nature and choice. Man, by nature, is absolutely incapable to produce any good work or righteousness of his own that God will accept to deliver him from God’s just condemnation and holy punishment for his sin.
  • Salvation from sin (justification, forgiveness, and eternal life) is solely and wholly by God’s sovereign grace. The sinner cannot earn, merit, or deserve receiving his salvation. All glory belongs to God and must be given to Him.
  • Sinners must hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and personally repent from their sins and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection as the complete payment for their sins.
  • Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is God’s only provision for the remission of sin. The blood of Jesus Christ is God’s satisfactory and sufficient substitutionary ransom for man’s redemption from sin.
  • The Holy Spirit indwells those who are saved from the moment of regeneration and seals them forever as God’s children. The Holy Spirit works in believers and through them to perfect God’s will, complete God’s redemptive purposes, and witness to the reality of God and His transforming eternal life.
  • A New Testament church is a local congregation of Scripturally baptized believers who are bound together by a common purpose and covenant with Jesus Christ as their Head to advance the Kingdom of God through their message, witness, and godly living.
  • Each New Testament church has the mandate to obey the Great Commission, to proclaim the Gospel, to make disciples of Jesus Christ, to baptize those who believe, to teach them doctrinal truth, and train them to serve Jesus Christ and obey all His commands.
  • The church should celebrate the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper as memorials of the Gospel and not as grace-giving or saving sacraments.
  • Each church is autonomous and is responsible and accountable only to obey their Head, the Lord Jesus Christ and to obey the teachings of the Scriptures.
  • Each believer should actively serve Jesus Christ, minister to fellow believers, and witness to unbelievers through a local New Testament church.


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BFM Declaration of Faith

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