Missionary Update: The Radfords in Kenya [November 2015]
Posted on 31Oct CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Nathan & Carrie Radford [Kenya] Tags:Tags: Carrie Radford, health challenges on the mission field, Nathan Radford, serving on a foreign field

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.
November 1, 2015
Dear praying friends,
We hope this finds each of you doing well and thank you once again for your faithfulness to missions, whether through prayer, visiting the fields, or sacrificially giving to the Lord’s work. We sincerely appreciate each of you so much and thank the Lord for you. This month, I want to take a little different approach in the prayer letter, as it is a real prayer request for us, in regards to our health, especially that of our children, McKenna and Camille. I will be sure to keep you updated on the ministries in the coming months, but I felt that this is really where we are right now. We want as many to be informed as possible what has been going on, and we covet your prayers.
About 10 months ago, our daughters were complaining of stomach aches. We heard all morning “Mommy, my tummy hurts.” Not knowing exactly what to do, we did the only thing we knew to do at that time. We took them to the various medical facilities in Kitale for testing. We tested for all the basics, such as malaria, typhoid, amoeba, etc. The conclusions we received were that it was amoeba and we got them started on the medicines. Well, the stomach aches continued and we felt it necessary to go to a much bigger hospital in Eldoret, about an hour and a half from Kitale. We saw various doctors there also, and again, the conclusion was that it was amoeba, although they prescribed a different medication and different period of usage. (10 days rather than 5 days) We did this, and things got better. For a while. A couple of months things were good and fine and we thought the problem was resolved. Well, about a month and a half ago, the tummy aches started again. We have been to all the main hospitals/doctors in Kitale and a big hospital in Eldoret, and are still having the issues.
We’ve recently found a decent pediatrician in Kitale. Dr. Musabi is new to our area and has done a good job thus far with treating children. She ran multiple tests on McKenna but each was inconclusive. She referred us to a pediatric gastroenterologist in Nairobi. This is the first time we have had a referral, so we are thankful for Dr. Musabi. Our doctor in Nairobi has run numerous tests on both girls, including one to test for inflammation that was sent to an international lab. This test came back extremely high for McKenna and high for Camille. The doctor insisted McKenna have an endoscopy and colonoscopy.
Well, these procedures were delayed for five days as McKenna developed a cold. Finally the procedures were done and we are currently in Nairobi waiting for results to be returned to us. Camille will not have an endoscopy or colonoscopy as her test levels were lower than McKenna’s. We are praising the Lord that the tests revealed no major issues for McKenna, but most likely some kind of infection or food allergy. We pray the results would be definitive and come back soon. Oh, and yes, while we have been away, one of our big guard dogs we have had for 10 years most likely had stomach cancer, and she is no longer with us. Very sad for all of us.
All in all, it has been a very challenging past few weeks. We know the Lord is in control of all things and we trust Him. We hope and pray to get back to Kitale soon to our life there but we are waiting on the Lord and seeing how to finally get these stomach issues treated. While we don’t understand everything, and it has been a very difficult last few weeks, we trust in the Lord and know He will take care of us. His ways are not our ways. I will finish with a couple of verses that have comforted me during these difficulties. Psalm 115:3 says “But our God is in the heavens: He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.” God does whatever He pleases and He is on the throne. Romans 8:28 says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
All things work together for good to them that love God. Even when it’s difficult. Even when we don’t completely understand. He has a plan and a purpose, and He is working it out in His timing. I’m sure many of you are going through difficulties also, and I hope these verses are a comfort to you as well.
Looking forward to updating on the ministries next month, but felt it was necessary to let you know about the health situations in the family and how to pray for us. We love and appreciate each of you so much. Remember, God is in control. Always.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa, 30200