Evangelism, Discipleship, Sharing Life Together
Posted on 21Sep CATEGORIES: Jud & Raquel Hatcher [Brazil], Mission Sheets Newsletters Tags:Tags: children's ministry training, church planting, Hope Baptist Church, Igreja Batista em Jardim Maria Virginia, Imagine Baptist Church, Jud Hatcher, Maria Virginia Baptist Church, musical training, Raquel Hatcher, training

Jud and Raquel Hatcher serve the Lord in São Paulo, Brazil. They are part of the “SeedFactory” church planting initiative, which is a movement to plant churches in all 26 Brazilian capitals. Since 2006, 43 churches have been started in 5 states.
September 21, 2019
Dear friends,
We have had a great month. Keep reading.
This week Sarah is participating with her school team in a Basketball Tournament in Brasilia (the nation’s capital). The teachers and students are staying in host homes of the organizing school. We were excited to hear of the news for Sarah to join the team in this trip – Sarah was elated. It is a great opportunity to connect with new people and for her to shine the light during the games. Sarah’s team won the game this morning and classified to participate in the finals this afternoon. They travel back to São Paulo tonight. I am sure to hear about all the details of the trip on our way back from the airport later on tonight.
All of our kids are doing extremely well in school – Report cards show mostly “A”s. Going to school is definitely a highlight for our kids and we are extremely grateful that our children are experiencing an incredible academic and athletic life at the Pan American Christian Academy in São Paulo City.
The Maria Virginia Baptist Church officially voted and approved a new pastor this month (I suggested his name as a candidate). I have enjoyed serving this beloved church as their interim pastor. I will continue in this capacity until the new pastor arrives in January 2020.
Imagine Baptist Church is doing well. We had a great dinner party last Thursday evening. Raquel decided to make tacos and taco salad. The majority of them had never eaten Mexican food before. Doing life together is an important part of this ministry. There is a lot of sharing about life’s difficulties, joys and how Christ guides us through each situation. It is a blessing to see how the Lord is working in the lives of all these people.
Hope Baptist Church is always fun, not that it does not have its challenges. Over the last few weeks, we were able to get a toilet bowl and a kitchen sink donated for a needy family. They were so grateful to receive the items.
Several evangelistic events occurred throughout the month with many decisions. We had a one-day women’s conference and next month we have a big youth gathering. We are currently in a teaching series in 1 John. It is interesting to see how so many people are engaging in talking and asking questions. There are 11 people currently being discipled with the book “Oneness with God” written by my uncle David Hatcher.
Our musical training is moving right along. Vocalists and instrument players are improving. Everyone loves the musical growth.
Tomorrow we have an all-day children’s ministry training seminar. Raquel is leading the sessions. She is ready and excited. We start with a hearty breakfast at 8am and dive into the content at 9am.
Grateful always,
Judson Hatcher
Judson & Raquel Hatcher
(859) 544-9040
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