Challenging Times in Kenya
Posted on 6Jun CATEGORIES: General, Mission Sheets Newsletters, Nathan & Carrie Radford [Kenya] Tags:Tags: Carrie Radford, coronavirus, coronavirus in Kenya, Kawangware, Kibera, missions during a pandemic, Nathan Radford, pandemic

Nathan and Carrie Radford serve the Lord in Kitale, Kenya. Their main ministries include indigenous church planting, a prison ministry, and a hospital ministry for mothers with premature babies.
June 5, 2020
Dear praying friends,
Another month has come and gone, and we are nearly halfway into 2020. Hard to believe.
What a year this has been, especially with the coronavirus. It has been challenging here the past few weeks, which I will explain shortly. May God bless each of you for your prayers, sacrificial giving, and interest in work here. We know it is truly sacrificially giving at this time and we appreciate it so much.
To say that things have been abnormal the last few weeks would be an understatement. There are many police at the entrance to town, and there is a 7 pm curfew. Also, Nairobi, the capital city, is locked down and has been for the past several weeks. It is difficult to get entry, and from my understanding, you have to have special permission. International flights have also been restricted and are much more expensive to purchase than previously. Schools, churches, and other public gatherings have also been locked down the past few weeks.
My wife continues to homeschool our daughters. She is enjoying it and the girls are doing well in their studies. This has been a challenging and anxious time for them, as we simply don’t have the answers at present and have to trust the Lord.
We are thinking of and praying for you all in America as well at this challenging time.
May we trust God each step of the way, as He is in control. We will keep you updated and appreciate each of you so much.
Nathan and Carrie Radford
Contact Info:
Nathan and Carrie Radford
P.O. Box 4150
Kitale, Kenya
East Africa 30200
For ministry donations:
Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer of BFM
P.O. Box 471280 | Lake Monroe, FL 32747-1280
or click here to donate to BFM online.