Back in Kenya after Wedding
Posted on 31Aug CATEGORIES: Mission Sheets Newsletters, Roger & Julie Tate [Kenya] Tags:Tags: Emily's Wedding, father of a married child, Julie Tate, missionary family challenges, Roger Tate

The Tate Family has served the Lord in Kitale, Kenya since January 2008. Their main ministry is indigenous church planting.
August 31, 2016
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We spent the month of August in the United States. Most of you didn’t see us because this was not a furlough or anything like that. The only church that I even spoke at was our home church, Emmanuel Baptist in Bellbrook, OH and a short ministry update at Calvary Baptist in West Branch, MI. So the month of August wasn’t really about ministry and it wasn’t really about rest either. Really, the only reason we were even in the States was because of our daughter, Emily’s, wedding. We are now back in Kenya after the short, whirlwind trip to the States and still recovering from jet-lag.
I am now the father of a married child. Many of you precede me in this event and can attest to the “weirdness” of the feeling. Even after they returned from their honeymoon it was strange to go out to dinner and sit across the table from my married daughter and newly acquired son, Igor. But they made a beautiful couple at a lovely, outdoor setting before friends and family as they made their life-long vows to each other. It was emotional to walk her down the path to the pergola by the river where the ceremony was held. I was able to reminisce and think about the day of her birth while she stood with her soon-to-be husband. And I cried during the father of the bride dance as the song Butterfly Kisses was played. But at the end of the day she was married and still smiling as they drove off. Her name is now Emily Levit. She has been out of Kenya for three years now and has started a family of her own. And because of this you will see in the near future that I will update our newsletter picture to include only my children remaining in Kenya. Our prayers are with you, Emily and Igor. We love you and miss you.
Our next move is to start up our Kenya ministries once again. It’s not the beginning of a new term in Kenya since we didn’t go home on furlough but being away for a month does allow us to rethink some things and re-assess how our ministry is going here. We’ll start things back up again, modify a few approaches and hopefully be able to report on some ministry aspects next month.
Until next month, beloved.
May God’s peace and joy be with you.
For the glory of God in East Africa,
Roger & Julie Tate (and Emily, Amy, Josiah & Chloe)
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