2015-16 Thanksgiving Offering Goal: $55,000

ThanksgivingOfferingIf you missed our previously published
2015 Thanksgiving Offering FAQ,
you can find it here.

Have you given your Thanksgiving Offering yet to help us reach our goal of $55,000.00?  We are well aware that our Thanksgiving Offering reminders and appeals have been interrupted and delayed this year especially with the glitches we have experienced with the mailings of the Mission Sheets (see our other post: “WHERE ARE OUR MISSION SHEETS?”)

But, our missionaries are in serious need of our giving at least our $55,000.00 goal.

We use the Thanksgiving Offering funds throughout the coming year to provide the services and benefits our missionaries depend on to provide for the commitments we have made to them “as the Lord provides.”  The Lord does provide – but He provides through the gracious and generous giving of our missionaries’ Giving Friends.

If your church participates in our Thanksgiving Offering, then personally contribute there.  If your church does not give you that opportunity, we encourage you to contribute as generously as God enables you and either give online here or by mailing your check to our Treasurer: Baptist Faith Missions  |  Pastor George Sledd, Treasurer  |  P.O. Box 471280  |  Lake Monroe FL 32747-1280
